Events and Clubs
Events that occurred in the 1980-90s were truly an important attempt of inclusivity on campus up until that point. Being as the University is a PWI (predominately white institution) the issue of diversity and inclusion is still fairly new. It is evident that in the 1980s and 1990s and even continuing into today the University of Scranton has been striving to make the neccessary changes to furthermore include a variety of students. Having a separate segment of admissions aimed to recruiting multicultural students emphasizes the growing importance of diversity and inclusivity on campus. Many efforts such as the "Multicultural Welcome Reception" created by the Multicultural Recruitment segment of the Admissions Office. Another step towards a more inclusive campus was taken with the formation of the "Friendship Program" a program formed in the 90s for student from abroad aimed to help them adjust in differnet aspects of college and life away from home.